Grolier Poetry Bookstore book signing for NHfO
Wine and cheese. Chocolate. Intermittent reading. Grolier is a unique, cozy, historic, poetry-only bookstore located at 6 Plympton Street in Harvard Square - around the corner from Bartley's Burgers and the Harvard Book Store.
Tuesday, March 29th, 7pm.
Elaine Schear will be reading selections from Nine Hours from Oswego. Her writing group, The Cozy Street Writers, will read their work.
Friday, May 13th, 7:30 pm
I'll be reading with the feature that night,The Cozy Street Writers. For the past eight years, this group of seven local writers have met to write and support each other as writers of poetry and prose. Come out to listen and/or share your own work. Open mic! Open to all.